Some of the terrace houses Scott can see from his room. If you are bored why not feed the fish - simply click on the gadget on the right and some food will appear - then watch the little fish eat!!

The view from the exercise bike. Note Centrepoint Tower in the distance.

More of the view from Scott's window.

Despite being connected to countless bits and pieces Scott still manges to keep mobile and use the exercise bike. A bit of a change from the helicopter!!

Like everything on this journey the week has been up and down. Earlier in the week, Scott was very ill and starting to show signs of Graft v Host Disease. Further invetigations showed a number of complications that hopefully have been addressed and as you can see from the photo he is starting to look like the person we know again.
However the hair is starting to fall out like before so he is waiting for a hairdresser from Darlinghurst to come on Monday and give him a new hair style. That is the difference between St Vincent's and St George. At St George the nurse would get the razor and shave. At St Vincent's they need to call in an professional to style!! It is difficult for the boy from Sutherland Shire to adapt to life in the Eastern Suburbs.
Dear Scott and Judy,
ReplyDeleteThe journey is continuing. You look great. Go the bike. Some of us would like to do a bit more exercise and have no excuse.Those flowers are absolutly beautifull. Love your blogg.
Much love and best wishes,
Cousin Lorraine.