Thursday, December 31, 2009
Scott decided that he had to spend the last 2 nights of 2009 in hospital. At least it was Sutherland so we didn't need to to travel too far to visit him. Only a minor complication, hopefully not related to the BMT!
2010 is now almost here and we hope it brings a new beginning for us. All of Scott's blood results are looking good as we enter the new decade.
Friday, December 25, 2009
I forgot to buy the Christmas serviettes and the bon bons, and we didn't get to put up the Christmas lights but our gift to each other was to all be here on Christmas morning opening a few presents.
There were many times when I didn't think we would make it to this day but we have and things can only improve in 2010.
View the slideshow to see our year - the highs and the lows and to see how far we have come.
Happy Christmas to everyone and on this day be grateful for the most important things we all take for granted until it is taken away from us - our health, our families and our friends!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

After nearly a year in hospital, Scott is home for Christmas and hopefully for good. He is still very tired but this should improve as time goes on. We have to encourage him to eat - usually not a problem at this time of the year. After all the excitement of the previous week, we are looking forward to a restful Christmas and a much better 2010!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

There have been many occasions this year when I have wanted to erase 2009 forever from my life, but there have been some high points and two of these will occur next week, recognising the achievements of both Jessica and Ian. Despite the disruptions to our life this year, both our wonderful children have managed to achieve at a very high level.
Jessica will be graduating next Wednesday at the University of Wollongong with a Bachelor of Nursing and today we found out that Ian will be receiving the prestigious ADF Award for Leadership at the annual Presentation Day at Woolooware High School.
To find out more about these awards, follow the links.

Santa is getting fit for Christmas and Scott is also trying to regain some weight and fitness while back in St Vincent's. Due to all the medications Scott is going through a hard time at the moment but once the doctors find the right combination he should be able to go home for Christmas and we can all put this year behind us.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
This week Jessica found out that she had passed her final exams!! We are all so proud of her!! She has achieved this despite dealing with her father's illness and the disruption we have had to an otherwise normal family life.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Today we reach the milestone of 100 days since the transplant. The road has not been smooth - we have had quite a few ups and downs but the general direction is now UP!!
During the last week Scott has had a bout of suspected tonsilitis, but is now starting to feel a bit better and trying to eat as much smooth food as possible to help regain weight. Judy has finished HSC Marking so we are slowly returning to normal at home.
Ian is starting to feel better after his glandular fever relapse, and is very happy to hear that the rules about Learner Drivers has changed so that now 1 hour lesson counts as 3 hours with the long suffering parents. Common sense at long last from the RTA.
Friday, November 20, 2009

After a few weeks back in hospital with a series of infections, Scott is feeling better and has reached the milestone of Day +90.
We have had a very busy few weeks and just as well the women in this household have stamina!! Jessica has competed her last university exam and Judy has been marking the HSC while taking Scott and Ian to hospital for various things. Ian has been unwell with high temperatures and a virus so has to stay away from Scott to minimise the chance of infection.
Jessica and Judy continue to cook, wash, work and generally keep the household going!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Scott has spent the weekend trying to increase his weight and hsi general level of fitness. His energy levels are still very low but his appertite is improving. Today Scott and I went out for lunch at a nearby cafe and enjoyed the view of Port Hacking Road. He is still attending St Vincent's three days a week for treatment and this combined with HSC Marking is very tiring for us all.
It is Jessica's last week of university so she is looking forward to walking out of that last exam. It doesn't really seem all that long ago that I walked out of Monash Uni for my last exam!! Poetry Blender
It is Jessica's last week of university so she is looking forward to walking out of that last exam. It doesn't really seem all that long ago that I walked out of Monash Uni for my last exam!! Poetry Blender
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
After a few weeks in hospital and a major reduction in weight, Scott is feeling much better and is now home.
He is still going to St Vincent's 3 times a week for treatment but it is so good to see him regaining his appetite and his sense of humour.
Friday, November 6, 2009

I have not been able to update the blog this week due to problems with the computer!! I hope it is back online.
Scott has not had a good week. Although he has been home, he has been troubled with a cough, so yesterday (November 6th) he went back to hospital. Fortunately there does not appear to be any major problem with the chest, but he does have a few problems with graft v host disease that requires a few days in hospital
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

After almost a month in hospital with a variety of fevers, infections and a cocktail of drugs Scott is hopeful to be out in a few days.
In the last few days his condition has improved and he is regaining mobility.
The blood results indicate that the transplant is progressing well despite the setbacks.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009

He is starting to feel a bit better as the amount and toxicity of the drugs is reduced, but he has been quite ill and adversely affected by the lethal cocktails he has been subjected to and the high temperatures he has endured.
But the dedicated and persistant doctors at St Vincent's seem to think most of the symptoms are side effects of the drugs. He has been tested for a variety of things but the tests are coming back with positive results and we are assured this is not uncommon after a bone marrow transplant and he needs to sleep and recover.
Thank you to everyone who has been ringing - Scott has not been able to return the calls on his phone but be assured he appreciates the concern, care and prayers of so many people.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
When someone rang me this morning I realised it has been nearly 2 weeks since I had updated the blog. Also I saw the film Julie and Julia last night so I am hoping some newspaper editor may offer me a job in publishing!!
I have been waiting to report some good news but this has not happened this week. Scott has been in hospital now since 5th October and is still not much differenent. He has has a number of tests - MRIs, Lumber Puncture, bloods etc - but the results are not finding a lot which is probably a good sign. The infection he originally had appears to be going so we are hopeful when the drugs are reduced he will start to recover.
Obviously he is not up to visitors at the present.
I have been waiting to report some good news but this has not happened this week. Scott has been in hospital now since 5th October and is still not much differenent. He has has a number of tests - MRIs, Lumber Puncture, bloods etc - but the results are not finding a lot which is probably a good sign. The infection he originally had appears to be going so we are hopeful when the drugs are reduced he will start to recover.
Obviously he is not up to visitors at the present.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
I had to put this on the blog to believe I really did it. I hope I don't upset anyone with the graphic images.
Scott has developed a type of infection that requires more IV drugs, so to keep him at home Judy and Jessica have to perform home nursing duites.
He is still in good spirits despite a small setback. What a great way to spend my holidays - playing nurses!!
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